Talking to the people behind Bowl-A-Con about marketing, strong personalities and cosplay Media Litter Sandwich Ep 49 Guests from
Read moreTalking Marketing with First Time Cosplay Bowling Organizer

Talking to the people behind Bowl-A-Con about marketing, strong personalities and cosplay Media Litter Sandwich Ep 49 Guests from
Read moreMedia Litter Sandwich 48 Recorded at Motor City Steam Con 2017 We spoke to the audience about their passion projects. People combining their randoms with anything from podcasting to charities to a love of
Read moreWhile at Bowl-A-Con we met Josh (AKA Chainsawman) who cosplays as Leatherface at haunted houses and similar characters for tv advertisements and movies. Media Litter Sandwich 47
Read moreSpoke to John Bruske from We talk about being on panels and presentations and tricks to doing both. Very valuable information for moderators and organizers.
Read moreWe sat down with our friend Richard who has been a sales person for a long time. He has been a floor manager When is a sale made? Media Litter Sandwich ep 45
Read moreTalking with Dave Herndon from Turtle Trinkets and he is also a News Paper reporter. We talk about working “double dipping” at events. So that could mean reporting at same event he is vending at.
Read moreOn Media Litter Sandwich 43 We talk to Sal from What is Steam Punk and what is a steam punk Convention. Steam Con is near Detroit Michigan
Read moreWorst TV Shows and TV show Theme songs. Some shows we like and so we don’t. Sheldon Cooper show looks bad. Media Litter Sandwich 42 Check us out on PodBros: Mark: William:
Read moreTalking about a blind man reviewing movies and movie commentary. Hanging out with the Blind Film Critic Tommy Edison from the Tommy Edison Experience and Ben Churchill This was filmed at penguicon 2017
Read moreSpecial guest Donnathon from Whatever talk talking about white washing in movies. What does culture bending mean? Is there such a thing as black washing?
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