A Youtuber who I respect very much put up a video asking “Is Amateur Hour Over?”
After watching this I wanted to have a discussion of my own with some fellow YouTubers.
Jessica: http://www.youtube.com/user/GoneToTheSnowDogs
Michael: www.youtube.com/thedangerousbrew
William: http://www.Youtube.com/BasicComputerHelp
I also used this opportunity to test a different way to post google + hangouts. Besides not being able to see a part of the lower thirds (the graphic) I like. In the future I will recommend putting channel name on time and leave bottom blank, or find a different way to do a lower third such as a third party software like Manycam. Also around 9 Min mark when Michael left the room the video changes. That would require more attention in the future.
I like doing these disscussions and if people like watching them I am willing to do more.